Shanghai Meddo Medical Devices Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Meddo Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

Bed Sore Care:Enhancing Nursing Standards, Promoting Medical Auxiliary Products, and Integrating Social Support

Mar 25 , 2024

What is a Bedsore?

A bedsore, also known as a pressure sore or pressure ulcer, is a condition that occurs when a specific area of the skin is under pressure for a prolonged period, affecting blood circulation. This leads to a lack of nutrients in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, resulting in damage, ulcers, or even necrosis. The most common sites for bedsores are areas where bones are close to the skin, such as the sacrum, ischial tuberosities, femoral trochanters, lateral malleoli, and heels.

The main causes of bedsores include pressure factors and nutritional status. Among pressure factors, vertical pressure, friction, and shear force play significant roles. Long-term vertical pressure, especially over bony prominences, can easily lead to circulatory disorders and subsequently bedsores. Friction and shear force may damage the skin’s stratum corneum, exacerbating the formation of bedsores. Poor nutritional status, such as overall nutritional deficiency or inadequate nutritional intake, can lead to reduced protein synthesis, decreased skin resistance, and increased vulnerability to bedsores.

The Harm and Causes of Bedsores

Bedsores have a profound and multifaceted impact on the elderly, both physically and psychologically

Physically, bedsores directly compromise the integrity of the skin. Prolonged pressure leads to gradual ischemia and hypoxia in the skin tissues, resulting in necrosis and ulcers that are difficult to heal. These wounds are not only prone to infection but can also lead to bacteria entering the bloodstream, causing severe complications like sepsis, and even endangering life. Moreover, bedsores can affect the elderly’s ability to perform daily activities. Pain and immobility may prevent them from turning over or carrying out daily tasks, significantly reducing their quality of life.

Psychologically, the discomfort and pain from bedsores can cause irritability, anxiety, fear, and even feelings of inferiority and despair in the elderly. They may feel helpless and depressed due to prolonged bed rest and inability to care for themselves, leading to emotional fluctuations and increased psychological stress. This psychological pressure can not only affect their recovery process but may also exacerbate symptoms of other diseases.

The prevalence of bedsores is due to several reasons

Firstly, improper care is a significant cause of bedsores. Many elderly people rely on others for daily care due to mobility issues. However, due to insufficient knowledge, improper attitudes, or lack of staff among caregivers, basic requirements such as regular turning and keeping the skin dry and clean are often not met, making the elderly prone to bedsores.

Secondly, the lack of medical equipment is another reason for the widespread issue of bedsores. In areas or institutions with limited medical resources, there may be a lack of adequate pressure-relieving mattresses, turning devices, and other assistive tools, preventing effective support and protection for bedridden elderly, thus increasing the risk of bedsores.

Additionally, insufficient social awareness and prioritization contribute to the prevalence of bedsores. Many people lack adequate knowledge about the dangers of bedsores and their prevention, often considering them a “minor illness” and overlooking their potential severe consequences. Some families and social institutions may also fail to provide sufficient bed sore care and medical resources for the elderly due to economic or other reasons, leaving bedsores unresolved.

Methods to Reduce the Torment of Bedsores

There are various methods to reduce the torment of bedsores, each with its unique function and scientific basis. For the elderly with limited mobility, these methods can significantly lower the incidence of bedsores and improve their quality of life.

Regular turning is a key measure to reduce the torment of bedsores. Maintaining the same position for a long time can cause localized pressure, leading to poor blood circulation and increasing the risk of bedsores. Therefore, regular turning can effectively relieve pressure on affected areas, promote blood circulation, and prevent the occurrence of bedsores. Research shows that turning every two hours can significantly reduce the incidence of bedsores. This practice is not only based on experience but also supported by scientific evidence. Regular turning ensures even pressure distribution across the body, avoiding skin damage due to prolonged pressure.

In addition to regular turning, keeping the skin dry is also crucial in preventing bedsores. Moist skin is more susceptible to bacterial invasion, leading to infection. Therefore, it’s important to regularly clean the elderly’s body, maintaining skin cleanliness and dryness. During cleaning, use a soft towel to gently dry the skin, avoiding rough materials or vigorous rubbing to prevent skin damage.

Furthermore, using breathable mattresses is an effective way to reduce bedsores. Breathable mattresses offer good ventilation and support, dispersing body pressure and reducing localized pressure. They also maintain dryness and cleanliness inside the mattress, preventing bacterial growth. For the elderly with limited mobility, using breathable mattresses can significantly improve their sleeping environment and lower the incidence of bedsores.

Other measures, such as maintaining a balanced diet to boost immunity and promote skin repair and regeneration, and appropriate massage and physical therapy to enhance blood circulation and relieve muscle tension and pain, can also help reduce the risk of bedsores.

It’s important to note that each elderly person’s physical condition and risk of bedsores vary. Therefore, when devising methods to reduce the torment of bedsores, it’s necessary to make personalized adjustments based on the individual’s specific situation. Additionally, closely monitoring the elderly’s skin condition and seeking medical treatment promptly upon noticing signs or symptoms of bedsores are crucial.

Medical Assistive Products in Modern Medical Care

Medical assistive products play a crucial role in modern medical care, not only improving patients’ quality of life but also effectively preventing various complications. Especially for the elderly with limited mobility, these assistive products can significantly reduce their bedridden time, increase activity levels, and improve their health condition.

Firstly, ceiling mounted hoists are advanced assistive lifting devices that use ceiling-mounted tracks and electric lifting mechanisms to safely and smoothly transfer patients from the bed to a wheelchair or other equipment. These devices are particularly suitable for the elderly with limited mobility, as they reduce the risk and burden of manual patient handling by caregivers, providing a more comfortable and safe transfer experience. By reducing bedridden time, ceiling lifts help prevent bedsores and other complications related to prolonged bed rest.

Another common assistive device is modern rollators. These devices typically have four wheels and a foldable seat, allowing patients to control their walking direction and speed through the handles. Rollators not only help the elderly maintain balance and stability but also improve their walking ability, reducing dependence on caregivers. By increasing daily activity levels, rollators contribute to improving the elderly’s cardiovascular function, muscle strength, and mental health.

In terms of bedsore prevention products, Bedsore Prevention Pad is highly effective assistive tool. Their principle is mainly based on dispersing pressure and improving local blood circulation. These pads are usually made of special materials and designs to provide even support while the patient is bedridden, reducing pressure on protruding body parts. They also improve skin breathability, reducing sweat accumulation and lowering the risk of bedsores. By using Bedsore Prevention Pads, patients can remain comfortable while bedridden, reducing the occurrence of bedsores and improving their quality of life.

Additionally, these bedsore prevention products often have other functions, such as massage and temperature regulation. The massage function promotes blood circulation in patients, helping prevent thrombosis formation and muscle atrophy, while temperature regulation maintains an appropriate skin temperature, avoiding skin issues caused by temperature changes.

Overall, assistive devices like ceiling lifts and rollators, as well as bedsore prevention products like Bedsore Prevention Pads, provide essential support and protection for the elderly with limited mobility. They not only help reduce bedridden time and increase activity levels but also effectively prevent the occurrence of bedsores and other complications. With continuous advancements in medical technology and increasing attention to care quality, more advanced medical assistive products are expected to emerge, contributing significantly to the health and well-being of the elderly.

Why Choose Meddo as Your Wholesale Supplier?

For high-quality rehab medical supplies, one can choose professional medical device suppliers or online medical supply stores. These suppliers usually have strict quality control systems, ensuring that their products meet relevant standards and regulations. Additionally, they offer personalized consultation and services, helping users select the most suitable products for their needs.

Meddo Health, as a professional medical solution provider, specializes in medical device ODM (Original Design Manufacturing), committed to providing high-quality products and services to medical institutions and care centers. Its medical assistive products not only feature excellent performance and stability but also focus on user experience and comfort.

Meddo’s product range covers various fields, such as nursing equipment, rehabilitation devices, diagnostic instruments, etc., meeting the needs of hospitals, nursing homes, elderly care centers, and rehabilitation centers in different scenarios. Through close cooperation with these institutions, Meddo continuously deepens its understanding of users’ specific needs and optimizes and innovates its products accordingly.

Moreover, Meddo places great emphasis on communication and collaboration with partners. They provide comprehensive technical support and after-sales service to ensure the normal use and timely maintenance of their products. Meddo also actively participates in industry exchanges and training activities, constantly improving its professional level and service quality.

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